Celebration to Disapointment to Celebration
Omot faced a long and challenging journey of job seeking, enduring four years without success. However, despite language barriers causing the initial challenge for Omot, his commitment never wavered. He simply said to Tursa Employment & Training, “please find me any job – I will do anything”. Thankfully with persistence it paid off. Omot got an opportunity to access work with an understanding employer willing to look beyond linguistic boundaries and consider the strengths that would make Omot invaluable in their organisation.
The Unthinkable
Then Omot’s luck took a downturn as he was advised by his employer that they had lost the contract, meaning termination of his and all other staff’s employment.
Tursa Employment and Training again offering necessary assistance for Omot to reapply for Job Seeker Payments, of course, it felt like a step backwards for Omot – until something interesting happened!
At the next appointment at TURSA, Omot announced he had approached the new contract winner directly.
Omot had approached the new company with unabashed courage and fearlessly put himself forward as a qualified candidate for the position. Presenting his experience with pride in the hope of consideration.
A Second Chance
Omot’s advocate at TURSA arranged a meeting with the new contract holder and negotiated a trial shift. Shortly after, the employer contacted Tursa Employment and Training to advise that they would be pleased to offer Omot a position within the organisation.
The employer has since informed us that Omot is an excellent asset to the team and that he will have employment for life with them should he wish.
It was a great feeling to witness that Omot has developed the confidence and communication skills to advocate for himself.
Omot has come a long way, and we are proud to see his progress since commencing with Tursa Employment and Training.