Interviews can be a source of anxiety for many people, especially for those who are also dealing with barriers to employment. This guide provides helpful suggestions on how to relax before a job interview, along with key strategies to manage anxiety and help overcome these barriers.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal response to stressful situations like job interviews. It’s important to understand that feeling anxious doesn’t mean you’re not capable or qualified. It’s simply your body’s way of responding to a perceived threat.

How To Calm Anxiety Before A Job Interview

Preparation Is Key!

One of the best ways to reduce anxiety before an interview is to be well-prepared. Research the company, understand the job role, and anticipate potential interview questions. It can also be helpful to practice your responses to common interview questions beforehand.

Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises

Engaging in mindfulness exercises can help you stay focused on the present moment and prevent your mind from dwelling on negative scenarios. Deep breathing exercises can also help reduce anxiety by calming your nervous system.

Positive Affirmations

Saying positive affirmations can help you maintain a more positive and optimistic mindset. We all know that job interviews can be stressful, impacting your first impression and job prospects. Studies reveal that negative self-talk can lead to self-sabotage. However, positive affirmations can empower you, improving confidence and overall interview performance.

Remind yourself of your skills, experiences & achievements before the interview and own it!

Overcoming Employment Barriers

Effectively addressing various employment barriers requires proactive strategies tailored to individual circumstances. Addressing lack of experience or skills may involve pursuing further education, vocational training, or seeking mentorship opportunities. Also addressing gaps in employment could involve highlighting transferable skills gained during those periods or engaging in volunteer work to demonstrate commitment and capability. 

For individuals facing physical or mental health challenges, including anxiety, seeking support from disability employment services such as TURSA, accessing accommodations in the workplace, or focusing on roles that align with their abilities can be beneficial. Actively networking and building a strong professional network, and leveraging resources such as job search platforms or career counseling services can help navigate these challenges effectively. Some key strategies to overcome common barriers to employment include:

Skills Development

If a lack of skills or experience is a barrier to you finding employment, consider enrolling in training programs or internships. Online courses can also be a great way to acquire new skills.

Addressing Gaps in Employment

If you have gaps in your employment history, be prepared to explain them positively. You could discuss any volunteer work, courses, or personal development activities you undertook during this time.

Seeking Support

If physical or mental health issues are a barrier, such as anxiety, seek support from professionals. They can provide strategies to manage these issues and may provide documentation or accommodations to support you in the workplace.

Remember, feeling anxious about job interviews is normal, and everyone faces some barriers when seeking employment. With preparation, practice, and the proper support, you can manage your anxiety and overcome these barriers to succeed in your job search. We wish you the best of luck!

If you’re navigating the complexities of the job market, TURSA is here to offer guidance and support every step of the way. Explore our comprehensive range of services & what we do and discover how we can assist you in your job search. Visit one of our conveniently located offices or reach out to us directly today to learn more!