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TURSA Connecting Business and Workers

Founded in 1994, Tursa Employment & Training is a not-for-profit organisation. Our core business is all about work: finding work for people who need work and finding workers for businesses that need workers. TURSA is also a nationally accredited Registered Training Organisation (RTO: 90325). From 48 offices along the Eastern seaboard from Forster (NSW) to Noosaville (QLD), TURSA connects participants and businesses with a minimum of fuss and no fees.

Our Employer Handbook Programs

Workforce Australia Services

Workforce Australia Employer Handbook information

TURSA helps participants find employment and supports their transition into work. We assist participants in retaining their jobs and thriving in new roles. Additionally, we provide resume screening, candidate shortlisting, wage subsidies, traineeship incentives, and post-placement support for long-term success.

Disability Employment Services

Disability Employment Logo Employer Handbook

TURSA provides Disability Employment Services across accessible offices from Noosaville in Queensland to Forster in New South Wales. Our focus is on assisting participants in building skills and confidence for employment. We offer ongoing support, mentoring, and guidance after placement to ensure a successful transition to work. Additionally, we support business owners with wage subsidy guidance, fostering sustainable job placements.

Statistics on Hidden Disabilities: As an employer, you have the power to make a difference. Approximately 20% of Australia’s workforce may be living with an invisible disability, some may already be in your employment. These conditions, which span physical, mental, or neurological aspects, are not immediately apparent but can impact a person’s abilities to operate in what we consider a traditional method. By creating an inclusive environment and accommodating the needs of employees with invisible disabilities, you can benefit from a safer and more productive workplace.

Benefits of Hiring People with Barriers to Employment:

  • Increased Revenue: Employing people with disabilities can lead to improved profitability related to employee performance and increased customer satisfaction.
  • Improved Productivity: Evidence shows that people with disabilities have a positive work attitude and work ethos, which can boost workplace productivity.
  • Enhanced Workplace Morale: Hiring people with diverse perspectives and talents contributes to a positive workplace culture and improved morale.
  • Greater Innovation: Employees with disabilities bring unique insights and creativity, fostering organisational innovation.
  • Reflecting the Community: A workforce that includes people with disabilities better represents the broader community and promotes social inclusion.

Transition to Work

Ttw Transition to Work Employer Handbook

TURSA delivers the Australian Government’s Workforce Australia – Transition to Work programme in the Brisbane Southeast region with offices in Woodridge, Beenleigh and Capalaba and is specifically designed for young people aged between 15 and 24. TURSA aims to help them create opportunities to find direction, and ultimately, a job that is right for them.

Our Participant Journey

The participant journey at TURSA involves flexible engagement and assessment, allowing participants to have a say in their service design. Participants are given access to interpreters and flexibility in appointment attendance. Participants have a one-on-one relationship with the same Employment Adviser or Disability Employment Advocate throughout all referral phases to build trust. Our recruitment process starts by building on the participant’s strengths. We will refer our participants to jobs based on the information compiled from Job Choice Discussions, Skills Assessments, and Participant Resumes.

How does TURSA support employers?

TURSA supports employers by understanding their needs for specific roles and tailoring services to meet those needs. We engage with employers to identify requirements, provide training packages based on needs, offer support for workplace modifications, and assist in testing participant suitability through paid work trials. TURSA also collaborates with employers to address barriers and enhance service delivery.

Job Placement Services

  • We connect participants with employment opportunities from our extensive database, ensuring alignment with job requirements.
  • Employers can test participants’ skills in the workplace via job trials to verify suitability.

Pre-Employment Training

  • We offer industry-specific training to equip participants with essential skills.
  • We can organise Third-party training to enhance their readiness for employment.

Specialist Support for Employers

  • Each TURSA participant has a dedicated Employment Adviser or Disability Employment Advocate that will support them from their first appointment until at least 6 months on the job. Providing you additional peace of mind.
  • Our team includes Business Liaison Officers, Work Placement Officers, and Employment Advisers who cater to employers’ needs effectively and inline with business needs.

Community Links for Diverse Pathways

  • We leverage local community connections to provide diverse employment pathways for participants, increasing their chances of successful employment.

Continuous Improvement

  • We conduct annual labour market reviews, collaborate with employers, and utilise stakeholder feedback to drive positive outcomes.

TURSA: Championing Employment for Individuals with Barriers

TURSA, as a Job Services Provider, successfully supports employment for people living with barriers. TURSA understands the unique challenges and strengths of individuals with barriers and works closely with them to find suitable employment opportunities. TURSA also works closely with other community organisations, employers, and participants to ensure they have the tools, support, and modifications needed to achieve their goals.

Hiring Individuals with Barriers: A Guide for Employers

So, you’ve read a little about the facts and benefits of hiring people. Let’s delve into the practical steps to make this process successful. 

When hiring candidates with barriers, we keep the following points in mind:

  • Rethink the Interview Process: There may be better approaches than traditional interviews. Instead, focus on observing and assessing candidates based on their abilities within your organization or team. Look beyond scripted answers and consider their practical skills and potential contributions.  
  • Holistic People Processes: Consider the entire employee lifecycle, from hiring to onboarding. Ensure that your processes are inclusive and supportive. This includes adapting your career progression paths to accommodate diverse talents and strengths.
  • Respect Differences: Embrace diversity by acknowledging and respecting individual differences. Autistic individuals bring unique perspectives and skills to the table.
  • Mentorship: Provide mentorship programs to support neurodiverse thinkers. Mentorship goes beyond career planning—it helps navigate workplace nuances and fosters a sense of belonging. Speak with your Job Service Provide for more information.
  • A guide for Employers CLICK HERE

Remember, every workplace can make a difference by adopting these changes, many of which are low-cost or cost-free.

Employing individuals with barriers is a win-win situation. It provides opportunities for a marginalised group while bringing unique skills and perspectives to the workplace.

Employer Handbook: Supports, Information and Employer Incentives
Fair Work Commission National Minimum Wage minimum pay rate provided by the Fair Work Act 2009 and is reviewed each year. As of 1 July 2024 the National Minimum Wage is $24.10 per hour or $915.90 per week. Note: Casual employees must be paid 25% loading and are subject to the correct award to your industry.  

Workforce Australia logo Employer Handbook

Wage subsidies may be available to businesses that hire eligible individuals into ongoing jobs. Wage subsidies can be up to a maximum of $10,000.

If you fill an ongoing position with the help of:

  • Workforce Australia
  • Workforce Australia – Transition to Work, or a
  • ParentsNext provider

the provider may offer you a wage subsidy.

The wage subsidy is to help with some of the initial costs of hiring the new employee to help ensure the success of their employment.

Whether the individual is eligible will depend on how long they have been participating in employment services.  More details CLICK HERE


Apprenticeships: The Priority Hiring Incentive is a payment for employers of Australian Apprentices training towards an occupation and qualification at a Certificate level III or above listed on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority ListOpens in new window or tab. You can use the Priority List Explorer to see which occupations and qualifications qualify for support.

You may be eligible to receive a Priority Hiring Incentive of up to $5000 in the first year of an apprenticeship, paid over two instalments of

  • $2,000 at 6 months and $3,000 at 12 months (full- time) 
  • $1,000 at 6 months and $1,500 at 12 months (part-time)

For detailed information CLICK HERE

Job Access

JobAccess is the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and service providers.

Created by the Australian Government, it brings together the information and resources that can ‘drive disability employment’. Along with this website, there is:

Download this page as a PDF CLICK HERE

Disability Employment Services (DES) are designed to help people with disabilities find and keep a job. These services provide specialised support tailored to the needs of individuals with disabilities, making it easier for them to enter or re-enter the workforce.

DES play a crucial role in promoting inclusivity in the workplace. By offering tailored support, these services help bridge the gap between job seekers with disabilities and potential employers. DES not only assists individuals in finding suitable employment but also ensures they have the necessary tools and support to maintain their employment.

What Are Disability Employment Services?

Disability Employment Services (DES) are government-funded programs aimed at helping people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep a job. These services cater to the unique needs of individuals with disabilities, ensuring they receive the support required to succeed in the workplace.

DES programs offer a range of services to support job seekers with disabilities. These can include:

  • assistance with job searching
  • resume writing 
  • interview preparation
  • skills assessment
  • training
  • workplace modifications

DES programs are designed to provide ongoing support to both the employee and the employer (DES for Participants & DES for Employers), ensuring a smooth and successful employment experience.

Different Types of Disability Employment Services (ESS & DMS)

These two types of services ensure that individuals receive the appropriate level of support based on their specific needs and circumstances. These two are Employment Support Services (ESS), and Disability Management Services (DMS).

Employment Support Services (ESS)

ESS is for individuals with a permanent disability who need long-term, regular support in the workplace. This service provides ongoing assistance to help individuals maintain their employment and address any issues that may arise.

Disability Management Services (DMS)

DMS is for individuals with a temporary or permanent disability who need short-term support to find and keep a job. This service focuses on helping individuals achieve sustainable employment without the need for long-term assistance.

Who Disability Employment Services Helps

Eligibility Criteria for DES

To be eligible for Disability Employment Services (DES), individuals must meet certain criteria. Generally, these include:

  • Having a disability, injury, or health condition that affects their ability to work.
  • Being aged between 14 and the pension age.
  • Being an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Being able to work at least eight hours per week.

Eligibility is assessed through a process that may involve providing medical evidence and participating in an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) or a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA).

Examples Covered by Disability Employment Services

DES supports individuals with a wide range of disabilities, injuries, and health conditions. These can include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical disabilities (e.g., mobility impairments, chronic pain).
  • Intellectual disabilities (e.g., Down syndrome, developmental delays).
  • Psychiatric disabilities (e.g., depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder).
  • Sensory disabilities (e.g., vision impairment, hearing loss).
  • Neurological disabilities (e.g., epilepsy, multiple sclerosis).

Individuals from diverse backgrounds and with various disabilities can benefit from DES. For instance:

  • A young person with autism seeking their first job and needing support with social skills and workplace integration.
  • An adult with a spinal injury looking for suitable job opportunities and workplace modifications to accommodate their needs.
  • A person with depression who requires assistance with job searching, interview preparation, and ongoing mental health support in the workplace.


How Do Disability Employment Services Help?

By providing comprehensive support throughout the employment process, DES helps individuals with disabilities achieve their career goals and maintain long-term employment.

Disability Employment Services (DES) offers a range of services tailored to support job seekers with disabilities throughout their employment journey. 

These services are designed to address the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, ensuring they have the necessary tools and resources to succeed in the workplace.

Job Search Assistance

DES providers help individuals identify suitable job opportunities based on their skills, interests, and capabilities. They offer guidance on how to search for jobs effectively, provide access to job listings, and connect job seekers with potential employers.

Resume and Interview Preparation

Creating a strong resume and performing well in interviews are crucial steps in securing employment. 

DES providers assist job seekers in crafting professional resumes that highlight their strengths and experiences. They also offer interview coaching, helping individuals prepare for common questions, practice their responses, and build confidence.

Skills Assessment and Training

To enhance employability, some DES providers conduct skills assessments to identify areas where job seekers may need further development. 

Based on these assessments, they offer training programs to improve relevant skills, whether it’s through formal education, vocational training, or on-the-job learning.

Workplace Modifications and Support

For individuals with disabilities, certain modifications may be necessary to perform their job effectively. 

DES providers work with employers to arrange necessary workplace adjustments, such as ergonomic equipment, accessible facilities, and adaptive technologies. This ensures that the work environment is accommodating and supportive of the individual’s needs.

Ongoing Support for Both Job Seekers and Employers

DES providers offer continuous support to both employees and employers to ensure successful and sustainable employment. For job seekers, this may include regular check-ins, mentoring, and addressing any challenges that arise in the workplace. 

For employers, DES providers offer guidance on best practices for supporting employees with disabilities, creating an inclusive work culture, and resolving any issues that may occur.

How Disability Employment Services Providers Help

Disability employment service providers are organisations that deliver Disability Employment Services (DES) to job seekers with disabilities. These providers are funded by the government to offer specialised support and resources to help individuals find and maintain employment.

How Providers Assist Individuals in Finding and Maintaining Employment

Employment service providers play a key role in the employment journey of individuals with disabilities. They assist by:

  • Conducting skills assessments to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Helping with job search activities, such as identifying suitable job opportunities and providing access to job listings.
  • Offering training and development programs to enhance employability.
  • Providing resume writing assistance and interview preparation to ensure job seekers present themselves effectively.
  • Arranging workplace modifications and support to ensure a conducive working environment.
  • Offering ongoing support and mentoring to address any issues that arise and ensure job retention.


Steps to Start Accessing Disability Employment Services

By following these steps, individuals with disabilities can access the resources and support they need to find and succeed in their chosen careers.

How to Apply for DES

Applying for Disability Employment Services involves a few straightforward steps:

  1. Contact a DES Provider: Reach out to a DES provider, such as TURSA, to express interest in disability employment services.
  2. Eligibility Check: The provider will conduct an initial assessment to determine eligibility for DES.

The Assessment Process

Once eligibility is confirmed, the individual may undergo an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) or a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA). These assessments help determine the level of support needed and identify suitable employment goals. The assessment may involve:

  • Discussing work history and skills.
  • Reviewing medical evidence or documentation of disability.
  • Identifying any barriers to employment and potential solutions.

What to Expect After Being Approved for DES

After approval for DES, individuals can expect:

  • Personalised Support Plans: A disability employment services provider will develop a tailored plan outlining the services and support to be provided.
  • Regular Meetings: Ongoing meetings with the DES provider to track progress, address any challenges, and adjust the support plan as needed.
  • Access to Resources: Support with job search activities, training opportunities, and workplace modifications to ensure a successful employment experience.
  • Continued Assistance: Continuous support from the provider to help maintain employment, including mentoring and problem-solving assistance.


Get Started With Disability Employment Services

Disability Employment Services (DES) provide crucial support to individuals with disabilities, helping them find and maintain meaningful employment. 

The benefits of DES include personalised job search assistance, resume and interview preparation, skills assessment and training, workplace modifications, and ongoing support for both job seekers and employers. These services are designed to address the unique needs of individuals with disabilities, promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities in the workplace.

If you have a disability, injury, or health condition that affects your ability to work, Disability Employment Services can offer the support you need to achieve your employment goals. 

By accessing DES, you can benefit from tailored assistance that helps you navigate the job market, improve your skills, and secure a fulfilling job. Don’t hesitate to explore the opportunities available through DES and take the first step towards a successful career.

Local Disability Employment Services Near You

For more information and to get started with Disability Employment Services, you can contact a local disability employment services provider near you.

TURSA has locations across Australia with onsite disability employment services advocates who are ready to help individuals find and keep long-term, meaningful employment. 

We encourage you to learn more about DES through our website, or by contacting us online. Our friendly staff are happy to help you no matter where you are on your job-seeking journey. So whether you’re just hearing about disability employment services, or whether you’re looking to explore the employment opportunities available to you now, we can help. 

What is Ageism?

Ageism, the discrimination against individuals based on their age, is a pervasive issue in many workplaces. It can manifest in various forms, from subtle biases in hiring and promotion practices to overt comments and actions that undermine the value of older workers.

Why is it Important to Understand and Address Ageism?

Addressing ageism in the workforce is important for several reasons. 

  1. Firstly, it ensures that all employees, regardless of age, are treated with respect and fairness. 
  2. Secondly, combating ageism can enhance the diversity and inclusivity of a workplace, leading to a richer exchange of ideas and experiences. 
  3. Finally, addressing ageism helps tap into the valuable skills and knowledge that older workers bring, benefiting the overall productivity and success of an organisation.


How to Identify Ageism in the Workplace

Ageism Definition

Ageism refers to the discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping against individuals based on their age. It often involves negative attitudes and beliefs that older people are less capable, adaptable, or valuable than their younger counterparts.

Examples of Ageism in a Workplace

The examples below highlight the various ways ageism can manifest in the workplace, negatively impacting the careers and well-being of older workers. 

Hiring Bias

Older applicants being overlooked for positions in favour of younger candidates, despite having relevant experience and qualifications.

Promotion and Career Advancement

Older employees being passed over for promotions or professional development opportunities, with assumptions that they are less ambitious or capable of handling new challenges.


Colleagues or managers making comments or jokes that reinforce negative stereotypes about older workers, such as being slow to learn new technology or resistant to change.

Exclusion from Projects

Older employees being excluded from key projects or decision-making processes, based on the assumption that they are not up-to-date with current trends or methods.

Forced Retirement

Encouraging or pressuring older employees to retire early, even if they are still willing and able to contribute effectively to the organisation.

How to Overcome Ageism in the Workplace

By implementing these strategies to overcome ageism, both employees and employers can work together to overcome it in the workforce, creating a more inclusive and productive environment for everyone.

How to Overcome Ageism as an Employee

Self-Advocacy and Confidence Building:

  • Speak Up: Don’t hesitate to address ageist comments or actions. Politely but firmly assert your value and capabilities.
  • Showcase Achievements: Regularly update your resume and social profiles, like LinkedIn, with your latest accomplishments and skills to demonstrate your ongoing relevance.
  • Positive Mindset: Maintain a positive attitude and confidence in your abilities, which can help combat stereotypes and build respect among colleagues.

Continuing Education and Skills Development:

  • Stay Updated: Enrol in courses, workshops, or online training to keep your skills current, especially in technology and industry-specific advancements. Places like TAFE and RTOs can occasionally offer free courses to help.
  • Certifications: Obtain certifications in emerging areas relevant to your field to enhance your employability and demonstrate your commitment to lifelong learning.

Networking and Mentorship:

  • Expand Your Network: Join professional organisations, attend industry events, and participate in online forums to build connections and stay informed about new opportunities.
  • Seek Mentorship: Both mentor younger colleagues and seek mentors for yourself. This can create a reciprocal relationship of learning and support, benefiting all parties involved.

How to Overcome Ageism for Employers

Implementing Inclusive Hiring Practices:

  • Blind Recruitment: Use blind recruitment processes where age-related information is omitted from applications to focus on skills and experience.
  • Diverse Interview Panels: Ensure that interview panels are diverse in age, which can help reduce unconscious bias during the hiring process.

Promoting a Diverse Workplace Culture:

  • Inclusive Policies: Develop and enforce policies that promote age diversity and discourage discrimination. This includes clear reporting mechanisms for ageism.
  • Celebrate Diversity: Regularly highlight the contributions of employees of all ages through newsletters, meetings, and internal communications.

Providing Training on Unconscious Bias:

  • Regular Workshops: Offer training sessions to help employees and management recognise and address their unconscious biases, fostering a more inclusive environment.
  • Ongoing Education: Make bias training an ongoing part of professional development, rather than a one-time event, to continually reinforce the importance of inclusivity.

Legal Protections Against Ageism

By being aware of legal protections and resources, individuals can take proactive steps to combat ageism and ensure fair treatment in the workplace.

Overview of Anti-Discrimination Laws in Australia

Age discrimination is prohibited under several laws in Australia. Each is designed to protect individuals from unfair treatment based on their age. The key legislation includes:

  • Age Discrimination Act 2004: This Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person based on their age in various areas, including employment, education, and the provision of goods and services.
  • Fair Work Act 2009: This Act includes provisions that protect employees from unfair dismissal and adverse actions due to their age.
  • State and Territory Anti-Discrimination Laws: Each state and territory has its own anti-discrimination laws that complement federal legislation, providing further protection against age discrimination.

Resources for Reporting and Addressing Ageism

If you experience ageism in the workplace, there are several resources and avenues available for reporting and addressing it:

  • Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC): The AHRC handles complaints related to age discrimination under the Age Discrimination Act 2004. You can file a complaint through their website or seek advice on how to proceed.
  • Fair Work Commission (FWC): The FWC deals with issues related to unfair dismissal and general protections under the Fair Work Act 2009. They provide resources and support for filing complaints and understanding your rights.
  • State and Territory Anti-Discrimination Agencies: Each state and territory has its own agency that deals with discrimination complaints. These agencies can provide assistance and support for addressing ageism in the workplace.
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP): Many employers offer EAPs that provide confidential counselling and support services for employees facing discrimination or other workplace issues.
  • Legal Advice: Seeking legal advice from a lawyer who specialises in employment law can help you understand your rights and the best course of action for your situation.
  • Unions and Advocacy Groups: Joining a union or contacting advocacy groups that support older workers can provide additional resources and support for addressing ageism.

Moving Forward Against Ageism

Ageism in the workforce is an issue that affects many Australians, manifesting in hiring biases, stereotypes, and exclusion from opportunities. Understanding ageism and its impacts is the first step towards combating it. 

Both employees and employers have roles to play in overcoming ageism through self-advocacy, continuous learning, and inclusive practices. And to enforce efforts, legal protections exist to safeguard against age discrimination, and various resources are available to support those affected.

Challenge Ageism and Promote Inclusivity in the Workforce

Addressing ageism is crucial for creating a fair and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. By challenging ageist attitudes and promoting diversity, we can ensure that valuable skills and experiences are recognised and utilised, benefiting individuals and organisations alike.

We encourage you to share your experiences with ageism and support initiatives aimed at combating it. Your voice can help raise awareness and drive change.

Turning Low Confidence into Job Sucess

Learn 10
Easy Steps...

1... Embrace a Learning Mindset

  • Recognise that it’s normal to feel uncertain initially. Approach your new role with curiosity and a willingness to learn.
  • Ask questions, seek feedback, and actively listen to your colleagues.

2... Set Realistic Expectations

  • Understand that you won’t know everything right away. Give yourself time to adapt and grow.
  • Break down your tasks into smaller steps and celebrate small victories.

3... Focus on Your Strengths

  • Identify the skills and experiences that got you the job. Leverage these strengths to build confidence.
  • Remind yourself of past achievements and how they relate to your current responsibilities.

4... Build Positive Relationships

  • Connect with your colleagues. Attend team meetings, participate in social events, and engage in casual conversations.
  • Seek out mentors or buddies who can guide you and provide support.

5... Learn from Mistakes

  • Understand that everyone makes mistakes. Instead of dwelling on them, focus on what you’ve learned.
  • Use failures as opportunities for growth and improvement.

6... Practice Self-Compassion

  • Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that it’s okay to feel nervous or unsure.
  • Avoid negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.

7... Seek Professional Development

  • Take advantage of any training programs or workshops offered by your company.
  • Consider online courses or certifications related to your field.

8... Observe Successful Colleagues

  • Pay attention to how experienced colleagues handle their tasks and interact with others.
  • Learn from their behaviours and adapt them to your own style.

9... Visualise Success

  • Imagine yourself excelling in your role. Visualisation can boost confidence and motivation.
  • Picture positive outcomes and focus on achieving them.

10... Celebrate Progress

  •  Keep a journal of your achievements, no matter how small. Reflect on your growth over time.
  • – Share your wins with friends or family—they’ll cheer you on!

Remember, confidence grows with experience. Be patient with yourself, stay open to learning, and believe in your ability to adapt and thrive. You’ve got this! 

Growing and Learning from the Job Search Process

Turning rejection into opportunity, guy sitting with laptop pointing at a bright idea bulb

The job search process can be a challenging and emotional journey, filled with highs and lows. One of the most difficult experiences is facing rejection, particularly when it’s a generic email or complete silence after you have spent so much time working on your resume and crafting the perfect application letter. But what if you could turn rejection into an opportunity for growth and learning?

Stamp showing rejected on the paper

What can you learn from rejection

Rejection can prompt you to reflect on your application materials, interview skills, and overall approach. Identify areas for improvement and work on developing your strengths.  It can also help you consider finding out more about the companies you apply with.  Places like Glassdoor or SEEK provide insight into what employees both past and present leave in business reviews. This can give you a deeper insight into the culture of the organisation you are applying to and management style.  Always be aware that quite often only staff wishing to complain use these sites so look for companies that have a balance of reviews for a more informed decision.

Socials May 24 (16)

Discovering Company Culture

A company’s response (or lack thereof) to your job application can be a telling sign of their culture and values. If they take the time to thoughtfully respond to your application, even if it’s a rejection, it shows that they prioritise communication and respect for their potential employees. This could be a great indication that they value their team members’ time and effort, and are willing to invest in their growth and development.
On the other hand, if they don’t respond at all or send a generic rejection email, it may be a sign that they don’t prioritise communication and respect. This could be a red flag, as it may indicate that they don’t value their employees’ time and effort, and may not provide the support and feedback you need to succeed in your role.
By paying attention to how a company handles rejection, you can gain valuable insights into their potential support, feedback, and communication style. This can help you determine if their company culture aligns with your needs and expectations, and whether or not you would be happy and successful working for them.  Meaning, they said no this time but you might want to try again at the next opportunity.
Socials May 24 (17)

Resilience and Perseverance

Rejection is an unavoidable and essential part of the job search journey. It’s a test of your determination, resilience, and perseverance. While it can be disheartening and frustrating, remember that every ‘no’ brings you closer to the ‘yes’ you’re seeking. Developing resilience and perseverance will help you bounce back from rejection, learn from your experiences, and continue striving for your goals with renewed energy and determination.
Life has a way of rewarding those who persist and push to achieve their goals. Every successful person has faced rejection and setbacks along the way, but it’s how they responded that made all the difference. By persevering and staying focused on your goals, you’ll increase your chances of success and open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences.
Remember, every rejection is an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. Don’t give up on your dreams – keep pushing forward, and you’ll eventually find the right opportunity that aligns with your goals and aspirations
Perseverance and progress, person climbing a mountain looking towards the summit

Use rejection as an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine your approach. Seek feedback, analyse and adjust, seek companies that respect the process and stay positive and open-minded.  Practice self-care.

Optimistic person standing in doorway smiling. Don't let rejection hold you back, keep pushing forward.

Empowering Your Path to Financial Security: Unlocking Self-Worth and Mental Well-being

Are you struggling to find employment and feeling uncertain about your future? As a job seeker registered with Workforce Australia, you’re not alone. But it’s time to take control of your journey and discover the power of self-help, mental well-being, and skill development.
Finger pointing at a job search computer bar with a search icon

Establishing a Foundation of Mental Health and Well-being

Unemployment can be a significant blow to one’s self-esteem, making it challenging to see your value and purpose. However, it’s crucial to recognize that your worth extends beyond your employment status. You are more than your job title. By acknowledging and challenging negative self-talk, you can begin to rebuild your confidence and self-worth. Moreover, understanding that your worth is not defined by your job will help you break free from limiting beliefs.

Developing the Skills You Need to Succeed

Community organisations, like TURSA and the local support services they partner with, offer a range of services and resources to support your journey:
  • Wage subsidies to help you get hired and stay employed
  • Training and upskilling programs to enhance your employability
  • Mental health support and counselling services
  • Job placement assistance and career coaching
Frishta Disability Employment Advocate TURSA

Unlocking Financial Security with Community Support

Community organisations, like TURSA, offer a range of services and resources to support your journey:
  • Wage subsidies to help you get hired and stay employed
  • Training and upskilling programs to enhance your employability
  • Mental health support and counselling services
  • Job placement assistance and career coaching

Take the First Step Towards Empowerment

Remember, your path to financial security begins with self-help, mental well-being, and skill development. By acknowledging your worth, prioritising your mental health, and investing in your skills, you’ll be better equipped to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Reach out to TURSA, to discover how we can support your journey towards financial security and a brighter future.
Tod and Natalie from AES talking partnership with TURSA

Collaboration and Connection: AES and TURSA’s Powerful Partnership

In the heart of Coffs Harbour, two organisations are working together to make a real difference in the lives of Indigenous Australians. AES Aboriginal Employment Strategies and Tursa Employment and Training are dedicated to providing comprehensive support to individuals seeking employment and training.

A Holistic Approach

AES and TURSA offer more than employment services; they provide a holistic approach to supporting Indigenous Australians. From mentoring and job placement to referrals for mental health and housing support, these organisations are committed to addressing their clients’ various needs.

The Power of Partnership

Tom Flanders, Recruitment Officer, and Natalie Tighe, Group Training Field Officer, Are the driving forces behind AES at Coffs Harbour. Working alongside TURSA creates a powerful partnership that gets results. Together, they can provide seamless service that addresses each individual’s unique needs.

“We rely on each other to provide the best possible support to our clients,” Natalie says. “It’s a partnership that’s essential to our success.”

Empowering Indigenous Employment Through Partnership

The TURSA Steps to Work Program bridges Indigenous participants to local job opportunities by providing them with the knowledge and confidence they need to take that next step, and we’re proud to acknowledge the invaluable support of our regular partners, AES.

Through our collaboration, we’ve successfully placed numerous Indigenous individuals into meaningful employment, fostering a more inclusive and diverse workforce. As Simone from TURSA notes, “Our long-term partnership with AES has been instrumental in driving positive change. Their commitment to our shared mission has enabled us to provide comprehensive support to our participants, resulting in increased confidence, skills, and employment outcomes. Together, we’re making a real difference in the lives of Indigenous Australians, and we look forward to continuing our impactful work.” By combining our expertise and resources, we’re creating a brighter future for Indigenous job seekers and the community.

Steps to Work Coffs Harbour

Breaking Down Barriers One by One

One of the biggest challenges facing Indigenous Australians is a lack of identification and documentation. AES has identified this as a current service gap that needs to be filled to address this issue by providing support and resources to help individuals obtain the necessary identification to access employment and training opportunities.

“It’s a critical gap in the community, and we’re committed to filling it,” Natalie says.

Staff Champions

Tom and Natalie are shining examples of the dedicated staff at AES and their ongoing support of TURSA is invaluable. Their passion and commitment to supporting Indigenous Australians are evident in everything they do.

“We’re making a real difference, and that’s what it’s all about,” Natalie says.

A Brighter Future

AES and TURSA’s partnership are building a brighter future for Indigenous Australians. Working together to help Indigenous Australians have a better life. They give lots of help to meet the different needs of their clients, making our community fairer and more welcoming for everyone. This help includes support for mental health, finding a home, job training, learning new skills, providing steps to work guidance or just having someone to talk to. In the end, we all work together to make our community stronger and more connected.

“It’s a privilege to be part of this work,” Tom says. “We’re making a real difference, and that’s what it’s all about.”

As AES and TURSA continue their vital work, they are a shining example of the impact that can be made when community organisations come together with a shared vision and a commitment to supporting Indigenous Australians.

Interviews can be a source of anxiety for many people, especially for those who are also dealing with barriers to employment. This guide provides helpful suggestions on how to relax before a job interview, along with key strategies to manage anxiety and help overcome these barriers.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal response to stressful situations like job interviews. It’s important to understand that feeling anxious doesn’t mean you’re not capable or qualified. It’s simply your body’s way of responding to a perceived threat.

How To Calm Anxiety Before A Job Interview

Preparation Is Key!

One of the best ways to reduce anxiety before an interview is to be well-prepared. Research the company, understand the job role, and anticipate potential interview questions. It can also be helpful to practice your responses to common interview questions beforehand.

Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises

Engaging in mindfulness exercises can help you stay focused on the present moment and prevent your mind from dwelling on negative scenarios. Deep breathing exercises can also help reduce anxiety by calming your nervous system.

Positive Affirmations

Saying positive affirmations can help you maintain a more positive and optimistic mindset. We all know that job interviews can be stressful, impacting your first impression and job prospects. Studies reveal that negative self-talk can lead to self-sabotage. However, positive affirmations can empower you, improving confidence and overall interview performance.

Remind yourself of your skills, experiences & achievements before the interview and own it!

Overcoming Employment Barriers

Effectively addressing various employment barriers requires proactive strategies tailored to individual circumstances. Addressing lack of experience or skills may involve pursuing further education, vocational training, or seeking mentorship opportunities. Also addressing gaps in employment could involve highlighting transferable skills gained during those periods or engaging in volunteer work to demonstrate commitment and capability. 

For individuals facing physical or mental health challenges, including anxiety, seeking support from disability employment services such as TURSA, accessing accommodations in the workplace, or focusing on roles that align with their abilities can be beneficial. Actively networking and building a strong professional network, and leveraging resources such as job search platforms or career counseling services can help navigate these challenges effectively. Some key strategies to overcome common barriers to employment include:

Skills Development

If a lack of skills or experience is a barrier to you finding employment, consider enrolling in training programs or internships. Online courses can also be a great way to acquire new skills.

Addressing Gaps in Employment

If you have gaps in your employment history, be prepared to explain them positively. You could discuss any volunteer work, courses, or personal development activities you undertook during this time.

Seeking Support

If physical or mental health issues are a barrier, such as anxiety, seek support from professionals. They can provide strategies to manage these issues and may provide documentation or accommodations to support you in the workplace.

Remember, feeling anxious about job interviews is normal, and everyone faces some barriers when seeking employment. With preparation, practice, and the proper support, you can manage your anxiety and overcome these barriers to succeed in your job search. We wish you the best of luck!

If you’re navigating the complexities of the job market, TURSA is here to offer guidance and support every step of the way. Explore our comprehensive range of services & what we do and discover how we can assist you in your job search. Visit one of our conveniently located offices or reach out to us directly today to learn more!

A Journey of Hope and Transformation with TURSA

In the heart of our community, there’s a story of resilience and transformation that begins with a single step into the TURSA office. Our protagonist, a mature individual who prefers to remain anonymous, embarked on this journey devoid of hope but found a new path forward with the TURSA team. 

In their 60s and with a background in science, they had been searching for employment for a long time. Despite holding a PhD in Biotechnology, they yearned for a change in direction, a shift from the scientific field to an office environment. This decision was met with discouragement and apprehension from others, but they remained undeterred. 

“Persist and seek help, even when hope seems lost.” 

After losing their job due to COVID, they took on various roles, including working as a cleaner, to survive. However, the physical toll of these jobs was challenging, especially given their age. As part of their Centrelink requirements, they were referred to an employment agency and chose TURSA

At TURSA, they met Daniel, a supportive and understanding team member who made them feel comfortable. They felt they could openly discuss their challenges with him. Another team member helped revamp their CV, making it more appealing to potential employers. 

“Unexpected turns can lead to life falling into place.” 

The first job TURSA recommended was an office role, which they secured immediately. This was a pleasant surprise and a significant milestone in their journey. Despite initial apprehensions, they found joy in their new work environment and colleagues. They now work three days a week, cherishing both their workdays and days off. 

TURSA provided continuous support throughout their journey, from regular check-ins to assistance with purchasing work clothes and shoes. Even after securing the job, TURSA maintained contact to ensure a smooth transition. 

“Working with good people brings immense joy.” 

When asked what advice they would give to others facing similar challenges, they said, “Don’t give up because I had more or less given up finding a suitable job. Just keep going. Ask for help. I was not very positive about getting help. I didn’t think it would work out. But it did. And I can’t tell you how happy I am.” 

Their story is a testament to the transformative power of hope, resilience, and the right support system. It’s a reminder that it’s never too late to change your path and that every step forward counts. 


Think Jobs...Trust TURSA

Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Autism


Autism is a spectrum disorder that affects individuals differently, often enhancing specific skills and abilities. April, recognised as Autism Awareness Month, is an opportune time to discuss the unique skill sets of individuals with autism and the benefits they bring to the workplace.  To gain a deeper understanding of Autism and available supports click here

Unique Skill Sets

People with autism often possess unique skills that can be highly beneficial in various job roles. These may include:

  • Attention to Detail: Many individuals with autism excel in tasks requiring precision and meticulousness.
  • Strong Memory: They often have an exceptional ability to recall facts and details.
  • Systematic Thinking: Their ability to understand systems and patterns can be advantageous in fields like IT and data analysis.

Benefits of Employing Individuals with Autism

Employing individuals with autism is not just about providing opportunities; it also brings tangible benefits to businesses:

  • Diversity and Inclusion: It fosters a diverse and inclusive work environment.
  • Unique Perspectives: It brings unique perspectives that can lead to innovative solutions.
  • Reliability: Individuals with autism are often highly reliable and punctual.

Support for Individuals with Autism

Various supports are available to assist individuals with autism in the workplace:

  • Job Coaches: They provide one-on-one training and support in the workplace.
  • Supported Employment Programs: These programs offer assistance with job searches and interviews.
  • Workplace Adjustments: Employers can adjust the work environment to help autistic individuals achieve their potential.

TURSA: Championing Employment for Individuals with Autism

TURSA, as a Job Services Provider, successfully supports employment for people living with autism. TURSA understands the unique challenges and strengths of individuals with autism and works closely with them to find suitable employment opportunities. TURSA also works closely with other community organisations, employers, and participants to ensure they have the tools, support, and modifications needed to achieve their goals.

Hiring Autistic Individuals: A Guide for Employers

So, you’ve read a little about the facts and benefits of hiring autistic people. Let’s delve into the practical steps to make this process successful. Whether your candidates are neurodiverse or not, setting them up for success is crucial.

Key Considerations

When hiring autistic or neurodiverse candidates, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Rethink the Interview Process: There may be better approaches than traditional interviews. Instead, focus on observing and assessing candidates based on their abilities within your organization or team. Look beyond scripted answers and consider their practical skills and potential contributions.
  2. Holistic People Processes: Consider the entire employee lifecycle, from hiring to onboarding. Ensure that your processes are inclusive and supportive. This includes adapting your career progression paths to accommodate diverse talents and strengths.
  3. Cultivate an Inclusive Culture:
    • Respect Differences: Embrace diversity by acknowledging and respecting individual differences. Autistic individuals bring unique perspectives and skills to the table.
    • Mentorship: Provide mentorship programs to support neurodivergent thinkers. Mentorship goes beyond career planning—it helps navigate workplace nuances and fosters a sense of belonging.  Speak with your Job Service Provide for more information.
    • Beyond Acceptance: Aim for more than mere acceptance. Create an environment where everyone feels they truly belong.

By implementing these strategies, you can contribute to a more inclusive workforce and provide equal opportunities for autistic individuals. Let’s work together to create a workplace where everyone thrives! 

Remember, every workplace can make a difference by adopting these changes, many of which are low-cost or cost-free1. Let’s empower autistic individuals and celebrate their unique abilities! 

Employing individuals with autism is a win-win situation. It provides opportunities for a marginalised group while bringing unique skills and perspectives to the workplace. With the proper support and understanding, individuals living with autism can thrive in the workplace.

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